Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Cheers!

2012 was eventful for sure! My family grew with weddings happening and children being born. I became an uncle. My family shrank with a divorce. I never thought I'd be going into 2013 without Heather Diehl. My world grew with my relocation to South Carolina, a new job, and many great experiences. It's been a year full of ups and downs. I know that everything happens for a reason. I am yet to learn the reason for everything that has happened, but one thing is for sure: these things have made me a stronger man and changed me for the better.

It is easy for me to be down about life, but that wouldn't be doing justice to all the great things that have happened in 2012. I love my life! It's been a wild ride, but I wouldn't change a minute of it. I plan to forge ahead, with a bright horizon ahead. There is no looking back. I look forward to the start of a great career in 2013. I look forward to seeing my little brother get married, and to being his best man. I look forward to starting a new life as a single man. I look forward to the second half of the season of The Walking Dead (we all need our silly distractions). I look forward to exploring my new, beautiful home state of South Carolina. And I look forward to continuing to connect with my people via my blogs and social media.

Social media and blogging have given me a fantastic new outlet and a some amazing new views on life. I appreciate you all so very much: This journey would be so much without you! Here's to 2013! I hope that it brings us all much more joy and happiness than 2012 did. Sometimes life has to knock us off the path that we are on in order to put us on the path that we need to be on. Sometimes this knock is gentle, sometimes it is violent and painful, but we have to rest assured that there is a purpose behind it.

I wish you all the best in 2013!


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